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We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven: he was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and became man. He was also crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried, and on the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again, in glory, to judge the living and the dead; and His kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, Lord and source of life, who proceeds from the Father; and with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified: He spoke through the prophets. And in the Church of Christ, in the remission of sins, in the resurrection of the dead, and in eternal life. Amen".


Our mission

Glorify God in our community expression and in the individual lives of each of our disciples, bringing the love of Christ and the hope of the gospel to all nations.


Our vision

Build a biblical Christian community, rooted in the simplicity of the gospel, which privileges the love of Christ, human relationships, Christian service, solidarity and freedom of conscience.


spiritual unity



holiness in living

life full of spirit

the quest for the glory of god


  • IPR members are told to do everything for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). Every aspect of life should aim for God to be glorified in Him. However, the Bible highlights disciplines useful for spiritual growth and sacrifices that please the Lord, Heb. 13:15;

  • The IPR member must offer rational worship to God, who is the living sacrifice of the body. The mortification of sin and pleasures elevates us as human beings and should be our highest aim, through Christ, by his power and by his Spirit who works in us, Rom. 12.1,2;

  • The IPR member should be busy doing good to all, especially to the domestics of the faith, Galatians 6:10; Heb 13:16;

  • The IPR member, to respect and obey the Christian leadership he has, not as inerrant men or above them, but as those to whom they will give an account of their lives, Heb 13:7,17;

  • The IPR member must dedicate himself to the communication of the gospel to all who have not been reached by the grace of God. The reality of election should not be a disincentive to evangelism, but rather a guarantee that as we preach the gospel, God will fulfill what he has promised, effectively calling men and women to serve him, Matt. 28:19; Mk 16:15,16;

  • The IPR member must devote himself to prayer, intercession, thanksgiving, the secret life with Christ, Mt 6:5-15;

  • The IPR member must read, memorize, meditate and study the Holy Bible, understanding that God planned his spiritual growth and that this does not happen apart from spiritual knowledge, Jn 8.32; 17.17; Ps 119,105, Joshua 1:8.

  • The IPR member should contribute as he can, making it possible  the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the preaching of the gospel, Phil 4:18.

  • The IPR member should cultivate a discreet, simple, moderate and without excesses life, so that he does not become a cause of scandal to infidels, Prov. 16:32; 2 Tim 4:5; 1 John 2:16;

  • The IPR member must dedicate himself to the family, praying in the home, sharing the Scripture and building the house on the rock, 1 Tim 5:8;

  • The IPR member must take care of his physical and emotional health, watching over the temple of the Spirit that is his body, so that it can be used by God and for His glory, 1 Thes 5.23; 1 Cor 6:19-20; Col 3.1-3.

  • The IPR member must avoid materialism, consumerism, vainglory and all other value systems and behaviors that prevent him from living the light of Christian love, 1 Tim 6:7-8; Mt 6:19-20; Eccl 5.10;

  • In short, the IPR member must live the love taught and recommended by the Lord Jesus, 1 Cor 16.14; Heb 13:1; 1 John 4.8


IPR members are instructed to refrain from the following practices, as guided by the Word of God:

• Food sacrificed to idols, from the blood and flesh of strangled animals, Acts 15:29

• From sexual immorality, such as: adultery, fornication, pedophilia, homosexuality, pornography and the like, Acts 15:29

• Participation in any form of worship other than God, as instructed in Scripture, Ex 20:3-5

• Participating in games of chance, in a wild quest for irresponsible enrichment, 1 Tim 6:9-10

• Cultivation of vices that harm health and prevent a sober and righteous life, Rom 13.13,14

• The deliberate and unrepentant practice of the works of the flesh, Gal 5:19-21

• Unfair and irresponsible conduct towards one's fellow man, Am 5:24; Mt 5.6

• Abortion, as an attempt on life, Ex 20.13; Jr 1.5

• Engagement with militancy or ideologies whose objectives are contrary to the construction of a Christian civilization, Am 3.3; 2 John 1:10;

• Financial default of any kind, Ps 37:21; Rom 13.8

• Involvement in pagan and occult practices such as divination, sorcery, necromancy and others, Deut. 18:9-14;

a confissão de fé
pentecostal reformada

Nós entendemos que, dentre os movimentos de Deus na história da igreja, o denominacionalismo é um dos mais marcantes. A possibilidade de cristãos se reunirem em igrejas locais que comungassem de pontos secundários de doutrina e prática cristã permitiu que o cristianismo se espalhasse rapidamente pelo mundo, atingindo pessoas que talvez nunca conheceriam o evangelho de Cristo de outra forma.
Contudo, esse movimento apresenta um risco ao cristianismo como o conhecemos. Uma igreja cristã independente não deve em hipótese alguma considerar-se desconectada das Escrituras e da própria história do cristianismo. A nossa fé não é um movimento recente, ela foi construída em milênios de história, envolvendo a revelação de Deus ao povo judeu, expressa no Antigo Testamento e a proclamação do evangelho da graça pelo Verbo de Deus, expressa no Novo Testamento.

Desde então, a Igreja se organiza e se move no sentido de promover a Grande Comissão e de preservar a fé que uma vez foi dada aos santos. Esse trabalho de manter a doutrina que recebemos de Cristo e dos seus apóstolos deu origem aos credos cristãos, as declarações oficiais do cristianismo que expressam o que é a verdade que cremos e proclamamos. Falha miseravelmente a igreja que produz teologia da própria cabeça. 
É falta de humildade negligenciarmos os sinceros esforços daqueles que, antes de nós, serviram fielmente a Cristo e a Sua Palavra.

A Igreja Pentecostal Reformada entende, desde sua concepção, de que não somos uma nova revelação, mas simplesmente uma comunidade que deseja seguir a herança do que recebemos do cristianismo histórico. Fazemos parte daquilo que Deus já vem fazendo no mundo desde o advento, ressurreição e ascensão de Cristo. Por isso, nosso Credo oficial é o credo Niceno, utilizado vastamente por toda a cristandade, tanto por católicos quanto por protestantes.

A apresentação de nossa confissão de fé é um passo a mais que procuramos dar no alinhamento de nossa igreja local com o cristianismo histórico. A base de nosso documento é a Confissão Belga, que já foi adotada por outras igrejas reformadas continuístas brasileiras, como a Igreja Esperança. Desse documento, fizemos apenas duas alterações: adicionamos um único artigo que reforça a nossa posição pentecostal reformada com respeito à continuidade dos dons espirituais na experiência comunitária da igreja e extraímos no artigo do batismo a posição pedobatista, da qual não comungamos.  

Esse documento apresentado nessa revista substituirá, com o tempo, a nossa revista de discipulado, oferecendo aos nossos novos convertidos e recém-chegados uma exposição mais concreta daquilo que entendemos ser a fé cristã. Esperamos que esse aprendizado seja fundamental para o nosso crescimento em Cristo Jesus, Nosso Senhor.

Presbitério da 
Igreja Pentecostal Reformada

we believe in the doctrines of grace





OF saints

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. And those whom he predestined, he also called; whom he called, he also justified; whom he justified, he also glorified.  Romans 8:29,30

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